Learn In-Demand Skills &
Gain Expert Network

Find The ROIinU

Do you know an emerging marketing professional? A college student or a graduate who’s struggling to break through the piles of resumes or lacking a network to tap into? Did you have an internship that wasn’t  relevant/didn’t provide skills/recommendations/ introductions?


ROIinU is made just to solve these problems and on behalf of  employers who are struggling to scale with skilled, reliable emerging digital marketing professionals.


Recent grads: Skill-up, gain confidence and skills to jump into marketing seamlessly. Apply to secure your spot in a 7-week deep-dive course +  internship + interviews. Stay ahead of the curve & be #CareerReady.

Ready to Rock Digital Marketing?

Request your application, ask a question, or simply connect on how ROIinU can launch your career.

* indicates required

ROIinU Overview

Launch your Career Success now. Learn more about this uniquely interactive opportunity.

It's not YOU, it's a tough market out there!

“In America 22% of employers have canceled
internship offers, according to the National
Association of Colleges and Employers.”

– The Economist, “Zoomers, zeros and Gen Z”

“The number of postings for entry-level jobs
typically filled by college graduates has fallen 73% over the past 3 months, with the number of openings for internships declining similarly.”

– The Economist, “Zoomers, zeros and Gen Z”

How ROIinU Guides & Supports YOU

In-depth Learning

Dive deeper into digital marketing that your textbooks may have missed.

Enhance Your Skills

Strengthen the soft skills that future employers will look for on your resume.

Strengthen Your Network

Industry experts will guide you and help launch your career-long professional network.


Interview of the Month with Miya Leykauf
Current NIMtern

“The ROIinU course is the perfect
opportunity for any recent graduate who is looking to get ahead of the game. Being able to work with real clients has allowed me to gain real-life experience that wil stand-out to employers.”


You’ve earned the degree… Now what?Now is NOT the time to let up your learning– There are always new things to learn to be successful as an ROI-minded marketer and the wider the workplace.


Even with a great college
education & effective courses, some students still miss out on key information. Do you have any students you think would benefit from this course?


In today’s world, finding interns or entry-level professionals that are 100% job-ready after
graduation is well…
Another elusive unicorn in the marketing field.


 Suzanne McDonald’s Experience

Tips & Insights from professionals

Taking Advantage of the Talent Shortage

While for recent graduates it may feel like there are no opportunities available to them, a study by…

Escape the High Employee Turnover Cycle

A high turnover rate occurs when there is an influx of people leaving a company, usually more than expected…

The Importance of Mentors For Recent Graduates

Uncertainty is a common feeling among recent graduates– Especially for those who went through…

How to Get Your Dream Job

How can you set yourself apart from everyone else? A question most recent graduates face when applying for their first

Interested in Applying?